Elevate Your Business: Calgary's Leading Immigration Consultants at Your Service

We are a Canadian based immigration located in Calgary Alberta, Canada. We work with people from around the world to successfully immigrate and integrate into Canadian society. We are licensed and regulated immigration consultants that are regulated by the College of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.



How to Qualify for Canadian Permanent Residence – Self-Employed (Business Class)

Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC) selects business immigrants based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. Canada has three categories of business immigration, Investors, Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed. Details on each of these categories are provided on the Canada website. But a summary is provided here for your convenience.

More information on how to qualify for Self-Employed Business Class To qualify as Self-Employed: Applicants must have the ability to create their own employment and contribute to the cultural, artistic or athletic life of Canada, or, to create their own employment by purchasing and managing a farm in Canada.

What's Next?

Find out if you Qualify for Canadian Permanent Residence.


Business class immigration allows self-employed persons that have the intention and ability to create their own employment and make a significant contribution to the cultural, artistic or athletic life of Canada. Self-employed persons with a Canada immigration visa also have the option to purchase and manage a farm in Canada. Only immigrants who have been self-employed in cultural activities or in athletics, or have participated at a world class level in cultural activities or in athletics or have farm management experience are eligible within the class. Other business immigrants with more generic business abilities will be required either to meet the Entrepreneur definitions, to qualify as skilled workers, or to be selected as provincial nominees. To qualify, in this category the applicant must meet the minimum investment amount and make a trip out to the province based on an invitation extended by the provincial government.

This is a very complicated and intensive process with a huge amount of required documentation including business plans, financial information, and background information of your work experience. To ensure that you can be successful, it is highly recommended to work with a professional on these programs. Please contact us for more help and assistance.

Unlock Canadian Business Opportunities: Empowering Self-Employed & Start-Up Entrepreneurs

Our International Immigration Agency in Calgary offers an excellent opportunity for self-employed individuals who have the intention and ability to create their own employment and significantly contribute to Canada's cultural, artistic, or athletic life. This specific category aims to attract entrepreneurs and individuals with specialized skills, enabling them to have a positive impact on both the Canadian economy and society.

With a Canada immigration visa through Self-Employed Immigration Canada, individuals also have the option to purchase and manage a farm in Canada. Recognizing the importance of agriculture and farming in the country, this provision opens doors for those with farm management experience to contribute to the agricultural sector.

To be eligible for the Business Immigration Canada category, candidates must demonstrate a proven track record of self-employment in cultural activities or athletics or showcase their participation at a world-class level in these fields. The goal is to welcome individuals who can enrich Canada's cultural fabric and actively contribute to the vibrant arts and sports communities. For other business immigrants with more generic business abilities, meeting the criteria for the Entrepreneur program, qualifying as skilled workers, or being selected as provincial nominees may be necessary.

The Business Immigration Canada program has specific investment requirements, which can vary depending on the province or territory. Additionally, applicants may receive an invitation from the provincial government to visit the province for further evaluation and assessment.

Navigating the Business Immigration Canada process can be complex and demanding, with extensive documentation requirements, including business plans, financial information, and work experience details. Given the intricacies involved, it is highly recommended to seek assistance from professionals specializing in these programs to increase the chances of success. Our Immigration Agency in Calgary is here to provide valuable support and help streamline the application process.

Our Canadian Immigration Consultants facilitate Business Immigration Canada, providing a pathway for self-employed individuals to contribute their skills, expertise, and entrepreneurial spirit to Canada. Whether through cultural activities, athletics, or farm management, these individuals play a vital role in shaping Canada's economic and cultural landscape.

The Self-Employed Immigration Canada program is specifically designed for talented individuals who possess exceptional skills and experience in cultural activities, athletics, or farm management and seek to immigrate to Canada as self-employed professionals. Through this program, aspiring immigrants can contribute to the country's cultural and economic landscape while fulfilling their entrepreneurial aspirations. The program evaluates candidates based on their experience, achievements, and ability to excel in their chosen field, be it arts, sports, or agricultural management. By fostering the entry of such innovative and skilled individuals, Canada aims to enrich its cultural fabric and promote economic growth. The Self-Employed Immigration Canada program serves as a pathway for creative professionals to embark on a new chapter in their careers and contribute their unique talents to Canada's vibrant and diverse landscape.

Our consultants help self-employed immigrants in streamlining their process for permanent residency in Canada.

Introduction to Self-Employed Immigration Canada:
This program allows self-employed individuals to obtain permanent residency in Canada and contribute to the country's diverse economy and cultural landscape.

Under the Self-Employed Immigration Canada program, eligible candidates must demonstrate their ability to make a significant contribution to Canada's cultural or agricultural community. The program aims to attract talented and experienced individuals who can enrich Canadian society and make a positive impact on the country's cultural fabric or agricultural sector.

Self-Employed Immigration Eligibility Requirements:
Eligibility criteria for Self-Employed or Start-Up Businesses Immigration Canada require applicants to possess relevant self-employment experience in cultural activities, athletics, or farm management. Candidates are assessed based on factors such as their experience, education, age, language proficiency, and adaptability under the Business Immigration Programs. To qualify, individuals must demonstrate the potential to make a significant contribution to Canada's cultural, athletic, or agricultural community. Additionally, successful applicants must undergo medical examinations and obtain police clearance certificates as part of the Canada Self-Employed Visa process. Meeting these criteria opens up an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs and skilled professionals to contribute to Canada's vibrant economy and diverse society.

Key Benefits of Self-Employed Immigration

The Self-employed Immigration Services in Canada offers several key benefits to individuals seeking to establish themselves and their businesses in the country. Self-Employed Immigration Canada offers autonomy for entrepreneurs, permanent residency, cultural enrichment, family sponsorship, and access to public services, making it an appealing choice for self-employed individuals seeking opportunities in a diverse and supportive country.

Application Process and Documentation

The application process for Self-Employed Immigration Canada requires candidates to undergo an initial assessment to determine eligibility based on their relevant self-employment experience in cultural activities, athletics, or farm management. Comprehensive documentation, including a business plan for those establishing or purchasing a business in Canada, is essential. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient funds, undergo medical examinations, and undergo security screening. Once the application is complete, it is submitted for processing, and in some cases, candidates may be interviewed. The decision on eligibility leads to the issuance of a Self-Employed Immigration Canada Visa, enabling successful applicants to establish their businesses and contribute to the Canadian economy and society.

Business Plan Preparation

Business Plan Preparation is a crucial step for individuals seeking Self-Employed Immigration in Canada. It involves comprehensive research on the industry, market analysis to identify the target audience, and understanding their preferences and needs. Candidates must outline their business goals, strategies for growth, and the unique value they bring to the Canadian market. Additionally, financial projections, budgets, and funding sources must be clearly defined to showcase the business's viability and sustainability. A well-prepared business plan is a vital document that demonstrates the applicant's commitment and potential contribution to the Business Immigration Programs, making it an essential requirement for obtaining a Canada Self-Employed Visa.

Assessment Criteria and Points System

Assessment criteria play a pivotal role in determining eligibility for Business Immigration Canada. The evaluation process considers several key factors, such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability. Points are allocated based on these criteria, and meeting the minimum point threshold is essential for qualifying for the program. Aspirants must showcase their potential to contribute to the Canadian economy and society through their business ventures under the Canada Self-Employed Visa program. The assessment process ensures that candidates who possess the skills, experience, and attributes needed to succeed as entrepreneurs in Canada are given the opportunity to pursue their dreams through the various Business Immigration Programs available in the country.


Interview and Evaluation Process:

The interview and evaluation process is a significant stage in Self-Employed Immigration Canada. In some cases, applicants may be required to participate in an interview to further assess their qualifications, business plans, and potential contributions to the Canadian economy and society. The interview provides a valuable opportunity for candidates to showcase their entrepreneurial vision, passion, and expertise. Immigration authorities carefully evaluate the applicant's communication skills, business acumen, and overall suitability for the Canada Self-Employed Visa program. Successfully navigating the interview and evaluation process is crucial in securing the opportunity to establish and grow a business in Canada through the various Business Immigration Programs available.

Processing Times and Wait Period:

Processing times and wait periods are essential considerations for individuals pursuing Business Immigration in Canada, including Self-Employed and Start-Up Business Immigration in Canada. The duration for processing applications can vary based on factors such as the volume of applications received and the complexity of individual cases. Applicants should be prepared for varying wait times as immigration authorities thoroughly review the documentation and eligibility criteria.Understanding the potential wait period and staying informed about updates from Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada and the Start-Up Business Immigration Canada program is vital for applicants seeking the Canada Self-Employed Visa.

Provincial Self-Employed Immigration Programs

Provincial Self-Employed Immigration Programs are additional pathways for individuals seeking Business Immigration in Canada, including Self-Employed and Start-Up Business Immigration Canada. These programs are offered by specific provinces in Canada and cater to regional economic needs and priorities. Each province may have its own unique criteria and eligibility requirements for self-employed immigrants. Applicants with a strong business plan and the potential to contribute to the local economy may find these provincial programs to be advantageous. Exploring the options available under the Canada Self-Employed Visa and Business Immigration Canada Programs can provide aspiring entrepreneurs with multiple avenues to achieve their dream of establishing and growing successful businesses in Canada, while also embracing the diverse opportunities offered by different regions of the country.

Let our Start Up Business Immigration Services in Canada assist entrepreneurs with their Canadian immigration journey.

Business Immigration Canada: Fostering Innovation and Growth

Business Immigration Canada, fosters innovation and driving economic growth in the country. Through various programs like Self Employed Immigration Canada, Start-Up Business Immigration Canada, and Canada Self Employed Visa, our immigration consultants assist in attracting talented entrepreneurs, skilled professionals, and self-employed individuals from around the world. With their expertise, they help streamline the immigration process, ensuring that eligible candidates can make significant contributions to the Canadian economy.

The Business Immigration Canada programs offer a pathway for foreign entrepreneurs to establish or invest in businesses in Canada. The Canada Start-Up Visa program, for instance, targets innovative entrepreneurs with viable business ideas and connects them with designated organizations that can support their ventures. Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants play a crucial role in guiding these entrepreneurs through the application process, helping them demonstrate their business acumen and potential for creating jobs and driving economic growth.

Similarly, the Self-Employed Immigration Canada program, welcomes individuals with exceptional skills in cultural activities, athletics, or farm management to contribute their expertise and experience to Canadian society. Our Licensed Immigration Consultants assist in evaluating and preparing applications for talented individuals who can enhance Canada's cultural landscape and agricultural sectors.

With the aid of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants, the Business Immigration Programs in Canada aim to make the immigration process efficient and effective for entrepreneurs and investors. These consultants are well-versed in the requirements of various business immigration streams, ensuring that candidates meet the necessary criteria and documentation standards.

The commitment to Business Immigration in Canada also extends to the Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC), which oversees the implementation and management of these programs. Our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants work closely with IRCC to ensure that applicants are guided through the process with accuracy and adherence to immigration regulations. Their expertise and assistance play a crucial role in helping Canada remain open to diverse and skilled individuals through various business immigration streams. The synergy between immigration and business, facilitated by Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants, is a driving force behind Canada's success in embracing innovation, growth, and global collaboration.

Immigrant Investor Program To accelerate your business in Canada

Business Immigration Canada offers several pathways for entrepreneurs and investors to establish themselves in the country. The Immigrant Investor Program allows high-net-worth individuals to invest a significant sum in the Canadian economy and gain permanent residency.

The Immigrant Investor Program is one of the prominent Business Immigration Canada initiatives, designed to attract high-net-worth individuals from around the world. Through this program, eligible investors have the opportunity to obtain permanent residency in Canada by making a significant investment in the country's economy.

To qualify for the Immigrant Investor Program, candidates must meet specific financial and personal requirements. They are typically expected to possess a certain level of net worth, demonstrate a successful business background, and commit to making a substantial investment in a designated investment fund for a predetermined period.

The program's goal is twofold - it aims to promote economic growth in Canada by attracting foreign investments and to provide the investor and their immediate family with the chance to enjoy the benefits of living in a diverse and economically thriving nation.

As part of Business Immigration Canada initiatives, the Immigrant Investor Program offers a pathway for wealthy individuals to not only secure permanent residency but also actively contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Canadian economy.

Variations of the program, such as the Start-Up Business Immigration Canada and the Self-Employed Immigration Canada, provide additional opportunities for entrepreneurs and individuals with unique skills or talents to contribute to Canada's business landscape.

Innovation Meets Immigration: Thrive your business with the Start-Up Visa Program in Canada

The Start-Up Visa Program targets innovative entrepreneurs with the support of designated organizations, providing them a chance to develop their business ideas in Canada.

The Start-Up Visa Program, a part of Business Immigration Canada initiatives, is designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs to Canada. It offers a pathway for foreign entrepreneurs with a promising business idea and the support of designated organizations in Canada to obtain a Start-Up Business Immigration Canada visa. Successful applicants, along with their immediate family, can immigrate to Canada and establish their business ventures in the country. The program aims to foster economic growth and job creation by encouraging the development of innovative businesses. The Canada Start-Up Visa is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to contribute their talents to Canada's dynamic and diverse business landscape.

Your Startup Journey Begins Here: Canada's Self-Employed Visa Program

For self-employed individuals with exceptional abilities in cultural or athletic fields, the Self-Employed Immigration Canada program offers a unique opportunity to contribute their talents to the country. These business-oriented immigration programs, including Start Up Business Immigration Canada, play a crucial role in fostering economic growth and diversity in the nation while providing aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to thrive in the Canadian market.

Customer Testimonial

Ms.Jean ! She does a great job. She is my guardian angel more than an advisor. Highly recommended !

Karthik Desikan